Hospitals and Healthcare System Recycling

You have special waste management needs; QRS Recycling has special waste management solutions.

Healthcare facilities and systems often have waste management needs beyond traditional businesses, with unique types of waste that require special care. Fortunately, QRS Recycling has the experience and the expertise to offer simple, effective recycling solutions that remove the hassle of waste management even as they save you money.

QRS Total manages every aspect of waste disposal in your healthcare facility, from big picture planning to day-to-day operations, so you can stay focused on other matters. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized recycling solution that accommodates the unique waste management needs of healthcare facilities.

For more information about the recycling services QRS Recycling offers hospitals and healthcare systems, or to schedule a time where we can learn about your business and your sustainability goals, contact QRS Recycling. 888-366-3777

History of QRS Recycling
Pioneering Potential Since 1974

Learn more about QRS Single Stream Recycling — how it works, how it helps, and how easy it can be to implement in your business. More Videos

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